Publications (Philosophy)


The Theological Origins of Liberalism, Lexington Books (2016) (Turkish trans. 2018)


Avicenna's Intuitionist Rationalism, History of Philosophy Quarterly   [pdf]

A Critique of Claude Lévi-Strauss' Philosophical Anthropology, Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences

Papers in Turkish:

Karl Popper's Critique of Idealism, Beytulhikme: A Journal of Philosophy

Works in Progress

A paper on Avicenna's epistemology, under review

A working paper on the epistemology of political liberalism

A working paper on intellectual vices and liberal democracy   [podcast]

A working paper on AI and political freedom

Publications (Political Science)


Democratization in Egypt from a Historical Perspective: Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects, Journal of Management and Economics

Iranian Political System: Mullocracy?, Journal of Management & Economic Research (translated to Persian)

Arab Nationalism from a Historical Perspective: A Gradual Demise?, Yalova Journal of Social Sciences

Examining the Condition of Alevis in Turkey in Light of the Freedom of Religion and Conscience and Religious Minority Rights in International Law, Islamic Azad University Journal of Social Sciences

A Comparative Analysis of Political Strategies of Three Islamic Political Movements in Egypt and Turkey, Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences

Papers in Turkish

The 2011 Egyptian Revolution and its Aftermath in Light of the Theories of Revolution: What Type of a Revolution Was It?, Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences

Reform and Interest: The Project of the ‘Basic Law on Public Administration’ in Turkey from the Perspective of the Public Choice Theory, Al-Farabi International Journal of Social Sciences

A Political Assessment of the Democratization Policy in Turkey Between 2004 and 2015, Artvin Coruh University Journal of Social Sciences

The Relationship between the New Right and Democratization: The Case of Turgut Özal Period in Turkey, Mehmet Ersoy University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences

The Impact of New Public Management Approach on the Public Services: The Case of Municipalities, Bartin University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Research topics

As seen above, my research interests lie in liberal theory, Islamic philosophy, and AI. I want to understand the epistemic aspect of liberalism and see how we can use it for practical purposes, such as liberalization.

Most of my research falls into three clusters.

Cluster 1: Liberal theory

Cluster 2: Islamic philosophy

Cluster 3: AI

My MA thesis explored the influence of a set of medieval ideas on the emergence of liberalism. My first dissertation intervened in a debate on Avicenna's epistemology and offered a solution for the epistemological crisis in Islamic thought. I'm pursuing my second PhD at Vanderbilt, where I want to articulate the epistemology of liberalism, develop a theory of philosophical liberalization, and understand the ways in which AI is an opportunity for, or a risk to, political freedom in liberal societies.